Outer Banks
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We made our annual trip to the Outer Banks for the long Labor Day weekend. We took our Jeep out on the beach where you can find a place to relax away from the crowds. We really like that a lot.

We picked a new campground this year that is a couple of miles north of Hatteras Island. Our campsite is right on the bay. We've already reserved the site for next year.

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By having our campsite right on the bay we have a front row seat for the sunsets. There is no better way to end a day at the beach than to sit down with a beverage, start the campfire, and watch the sun go down. We generally delay dinner until dark so we don't miss anything.

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Left and Center: On the Ferry from Hatteras Island to Ocracoke Island. It's a great ride. We take our tandem bike to ride around Ocracoke Village. Right, at the outskirts to Ocracoke Village pedestrians have the right of way.

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We're on the beach on Hatteras Island. We take the Jeep and drive a ways to get away from the crowds. It is so peaceful invigorating!

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We like the water, we like the peace and quiet and we like the sunsets. Is there anything else left to say?