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The neat thing about Cooperstown during Induction Weekend is the low-key pace. Plus, you never know who you might just see while you are walking around!

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On the left is the statue of Buck O'Neil who was an enthusiastic, long-term advocate for the inclusion of the Negro Leagues into the Hall of Fame. He died just weeks after seeing his goal achieved. I has a chance to meet and talk to him on the street a couple of years before he died. This year, I was able to purchase a ball signed by him. On the right is the outside of the ballpark. It is a small, old fashioned ballpark that is just perfect for watching a game on a summer afternoon. I always make sure to catch the game every year.

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This was the first year I decided to get an autograph from a non-Hall of Fame'r. Besides the Buck O'Neil autograph, on the left you can see me getting an autogrph from Pete Rose. While I was there, who should walk in to say hi to Pete but his old manager, Sparky Anderson!

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These are photos of the Induction Ceremony itself. Upper left, and center are Howard and me. Admission to the ceremony is free, all you have to do is stake out your place by placing a lawn chair where you want.

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Upper left is Cooperstown United Methodist Church. we always go there Saturday night to eat at their Bar-B-Que Chicken dinner-a half chicken, two sides, drink and slice of watermellon is under $10! We return to attend the service on Sunday morning before the ceremony.